I think one of the main lacks of my faculty are the cameras. It's really difficult to understand how a faculty of communications doesn't have enough video and photographic cameras, considering there're people studying Film and Journalism. It's absolutely incoherent that professors demand us good and quality works and there're many times that we have no choice but "fight" each other to get a camera.
Another big problem in my faculty is the library. There're not enough books neither movies, so many times we have no choice but go to other faculties to get the books we need, or make lots and lots of photocopies, which is very negative to our pockets.
I think the first step in order to change this situation is to talk to the student representatives (a.k.a. CECo) and entrust them to discuss the problems with the faculty authorities and reach an agreement. I think this must be the very first step in order to demand to our authorities for improvements in the faculty. So that, authorities would enquire about our problems and lacks as students.
The infrastructure problems should be solve by demanding a higher state financing. As being a public university (or that's what it used to be), the State should give more economic contribution to the Universidad de Chile, especially to those faculties which don't have enough and quality facilities (the ICEI, among others). And that demand must be done precisely by the authorities of the ICEI.
These improvements would bring more benefits than negative impacts to the students. We basically could carry out better our academic works, so our learning would be way effective. However, if my faculty receives economic support from the Government, maybe we, the students, would have to pay more for our university education, and that's a big trouble.
I would recommend that the most part of the faculty/campus resources should be invested in educational material and technological tools, instead of put really useless things like security cameras.
1 comentarios:
Hello Mabel, I hope you are ok.
I am very agree with you. The ICEI needs more state financing, because our university is a public institution.
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