viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Good and bad points about the first term

I like being positive, and that's why I'll start writing about the good points about the last semester, which was, by the way, my fifth semester in the university.

The subject I liked the most last term was Radio. I'm not actually good expressing orally, but I think studying Radio has also helped me in other areas, even when I have to write for press.

My Radio professor was a big support to me to achieve academic goals and improve my oral expression. I hope this semester my work in Radio is good as the last term.

Just like the past semesters, I really learnt a lot, but the sacrifies I had to do to get knowledge and good marks were too many. Firstly, there were times when I wanted to travel home, but studies were the main reason why I didn't, so my family and friends were further than ever. In the other hand, I didn't sleep enough and nights turned into "golden hours" to do the things I couldn't do during the rest of the day, especially reading books (not the best matters I've read though), writing reports and transcribing long recorded interviews.

The few free time I had the last semester I dedicated it to travelling home or meeting with some friends here in Santiago. I'm not a sports fan, but gym was a good chance to do some exercise, so I made sure to bring my sporting clothes to the university every free afternoon I had, but of course, there were also times were I just simply wanted to get some rest.

Life is full of challenges, and the last term wasn't an exception. I had to face, for example, being far from my dearest people. Although there're many people around me here in Santiago, there were also days when I was missing my family and friends very much.

Anyway, it was a really good and fun semester, but it could have been better.

1 comentarios:

Chris Wolf dijo...

It sounds like you had fun last semester. Hopefully you have another good semester, but with maybe a little more sleep and time to see your family:)
Nice work!

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