jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

What a problem!

When I arrived to Santiago for the first time, everybody warned me that something terrible was happening in the city: the new public transport system. And well, I just didn't get worried because I thought it could be solved soon. However, the problem is still here with us, the poor people living in Santiago, and I'm almost sure that it will stay for a lot of time.

I think that Transantiago is a transport system that changed the life of every santiaguino and unfortunately, not all for the best. It's also a system that must improve because the number of buses aren't enough according to the routes people can take. This is precisely the main Acchilles' heel of Transantiago: its inefficiency.

Yellow buses? What's that?

2007 was the year I got to Santiago in order to live and study here, and that's the reason why I hadn't the good fortune to use the past transport system. As you can imagine, I didn't arrive in the best moment. I remember that everyone here in Santiago was very worried about if the bus was going to go past, or if they could get to work at time, or what buses could get them home. So it wasn't very hard to get used in the city because everybody was as confused as me.

I remember that it was very difficult to move around the first months in Santiago, because of many reasons, but mainly because the number of buses weren't enough and because of the frequency they used to come past. Also because the buses used to get full quickly and it was too uncomfortable to travel. I remember thousands of very stressed out people around me, very annoyed and talking about the terrible Transantiago.

Today, two years later, Transantiago is a little better. There're more buses and new routes, and although the buses still get full shortly, I think people are starting to trust once again in public transport system. Plus, the subway has been a great help and support to the people who must use the public transport every day.

However, there're many things else to do and resolve. If I had the chance, I would work in buses frequencies in order to people don't have to wait for the bus for a long and, therefore, they could get home or work at time. And I think this could be possible by working and looking after the Transantiago operators. I'd also create new routes and make new and strategic bus stops.

1 comentarios:

María Cristina Romero dijo...

Hi Mabel...
Interesting text, but I think Transantiago is very bad and affect our economy. I want to a new system transport, a better.

See you

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