jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Radiohead: A misunderstood band (sometimes)

I think the first time I listened to Radiohead was in 2003, when I was about 15 and I was on school. The person who "introduced" to me was my brother and I instantly became a fan of them. This band is now my favorite one.

Radiohead is a band from Oxford, England, composed by Thom Yorke (voice), Phil Selway (drums), Ed O'Brien (guitar) and the Greenwood brothers, Colin (bass) and Jonny (guitar and keyboards). I couldn't put them in an only music genre, because they can play rock and electronic music as well. However, press has tagged them as a alternative rock band or even an "indie" band, although I don't like that term.

Radiohead is currently my favorite band because they never stop surprising me, mainly because their albums are very different each other. For example, if you listen to their first album (Pablo Honey, 1993) and then their most recent album (In Rainbows, 2007), you couldn't notice they're from the same band, because Pablo Honey is a kind of a punk-rock album, with very distorted guitars, but In Rainbows is an album full of synthesizers and electronic sounds, although some guitars stay in their place.

I couldn't choose just one song as my favorite. Or, in other words, my favorite Radiohead song changes every time and depends on my frame of mind. But if you ask me now, I would say that it's "How to disappear completely". I guess many people must think that this is a very "sad" song, but maybe they think so because they don't understand it at all. This song inspires me a kind of strange peaceful, so when I want to get relaxed, I just put it on. It creates a very special sorround in any place, and its lyrics are really beautiful. This song talks about how you can, just for a pair of minutes (or even a second), forget about everything worries you, not cowardly, but fairly.

Music is for me a very important thing because it is with me anytime I need it. It's like an implicit partner. I listen to music most of the time, especially when I borely move through the city. I don't know what world would be without music. Life probably would be boring, so I hope it stays forever.

The best concert I have been is the one Radiohead played in march 27th. It was simply awesome, I sang every song along and had a very good time. It was a perfect evening. I just couldn't believe I was in a concert of RADIOHEAD! I remember I went to the airport to welcome them, with other (groupie) Radiohead fans. I was very excited and happy. Such an unforgettable week.

3 comentarios:

Nicolás Rojas Inostroza dijo...

And Creep...

Is a very happy song.


CelebraBizarra dijo...

Is evident that you really loves this band

take care

María Cristina Romero dijo...

Hello Mabel...
You like Radiohead much. You know much about this band, you are a big fan.

See you soon

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